
Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

Card Secret in Poker Zynga

Along with the growing popularity of poker games in the world, lately Production Zynga Texas Hold'em Poker on Facebook, MySpace, Hi5, Tagged, Yahoo more and more in demand by people all over the world.

To win this poker game, it needs a few special tricks in predicting the emergence of the cards in this poker game Zynga. Here are some tricks to predict chances of the emergence of cards that have been tested by friends netter who like playing poker..

Dominant cards
Dominant card is a card that often appear in every round when playing, that is:
- (J), J Card 75% often appear in every round.
- (Q), Q has a chance card appear very smallabout 20%.
- (K), K 35% cards appear in each round.
- (A), 55% A card often appears in every round.
- (10)card number 10 of 45% appears.
- (9)9 cards 40% emerged.
- (8)8 card 45% up in every round.
- (7)the card with the numbers 7, 15emerged.
- (6)the probability of only 7%.
- (5)card number 5is a dominant figure who appears in every round.
- (4)cards with the numbers 4, 10emerged.
- (3)card 3 27appear in every round.
- (2)the card with the number 2, almost equal to the number 5. The cards will oftenappear in every round.

Calculation of percentage is calculated based on the observations above card duringplay, table with 9 seats (9 seats), 100 round games in the table / room that is the same(no moving room).

* Keep in mind, which I mentioned above is the only chance / percentage emergence of the card. While you hold the card above, you may not win the round.
So, when the play must not all in. Though you hold the card A / AA though.

Hopefully this trick is useful for the poker mania around the world.


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